Alaska Ferry Frustration ?

Planning a trip to Alaska with what is classified as an “oversized” vehicle can lead to frustration and even a headache.

But guess what ?- that doesn’t need to be !

If using you wont even need to take an Aspirin! 

Just go to the Home Page and fill in what it is you want to book or simply get the cost for.

Quick Tip: if pulling something behind your RV or if you have truck pulling a boat /trailer or anything, you still choose 1 Vehicle.

On the next page enter when it is you hope to travel ( remember some ferries often sell out of vehicle space months in advance) 

It is on this 2nd page that you enter what you need for deck space.
The widget asks for the total number of feet, from the front bumper of whatever you are driving to the back bumper of any tow.
The accurate answer to these questions is needed so that two things can be checked.

  1. If there is enough deck space for your vehicle/s 
  2. The cost charged for the trip based on the deck space, number of people in the party and cabin space … if a cabin, which is optional,  is requested.

Pretty simple .. but if you need help, we are happy to help… either by e-mail or phone.

If emailing always include your phone number #  as we love to chat with ferry travellers

If by  by phone at, 1-800-686-0446, please speak clearly