Fairbanks Alaska
There is no ferry service between Washington and Fairbanks but one can send their vehicles by barge direct from Seattle to Fairbanks or Fairbanks to Seattle every week, year-round
The barge trip from Seattle to Fairbanks takes about 2-3 weeks and from Fairbanks to Seattle takes between 19 & 21 days depending on weather. Barging times are approximate because everything is weather dependent.
Fairbanks is home to two major military bases: Fort Wainwright US military Base and to Eielson Airforce Base.
The Eielson Air Force base is approximately 26 miles SE of Fairbanks.
Fairbanks offers all the amenities including a rich Native culture. Dog sledding, hiking with reindeer, hot springs and sighting the fabulous Aurora Boralis. Aurora season in Fairbanks isfrom 22 April - 20 August.
From helicopter tours providing an opportunity to explore the glaciers and the colourful back country; from museums to great shopping - Fairbanks has all the best Alaska has to offer.
To Find a Barge Quote or Book to Alaska go to Ferrytravel.com or email info@alaskabarges.com or call 1-800-686-0446