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Ferry to Ketchikan: Ketchikan, Alaska

Ferry to Ketchikan: Ketchikan, Alaska. Ketchikan is accessible only by air and by sea (Alaska Marine ferries, BC Ferries & by cruise ships)

Ketchikan, located in the heart of Alaska is the 1st stop for ferries departing for the 49th state from Bellingham Washington. 

The trip takes 2 days and historically departs on Fridays each week throughout the summer season. 

The official Fall / Winter schedule has the ferries to Ketchikan departing each Wednesday. 

It is important to note that because Ketchikan is an Island, it is accessible only by air & by sea (Alaska Marine ferries from Washington; BC ferries from Prince Rupert & by cruise ships).

Because there are no roads into or out of Ketchikan, travel by ferries is the major form of transportation & must be booked well in advance. 

Once the ferries to Ketchikan are sold out of vehicle space, one can book their vehicle (no passengers) on a barge from Seattle to Ketchikan. Barges depart Seattle 2x per week and they travel year-round.

As the 1st Alaska stop for the Marine Highway ferries travelling up the Inside Passage from Bellingham WA to Ketchikan and for ferries travelling from Prince Rupert BC to Ketchikan, the city is an immensely popular spot.

Ferry to Ketchikan: Ketchikan, Alaska. Ketchikan Alaska totem poles

A major attraction for visitors is the towns' collection of totem poles - the largest collection of its kind in the world- which gives evidence to the rich culture of the Tlingit people

Irresistible shopping; guided bus & trolley tours of Ketchikan's historical sights; sport fishing; float plane tours all contribute to making Ketchikan both a special place to visit and an unforgettable experience

Ferry or Barge reservation and cost help is available 24/7 through

Ferry to Ketchikan: Ketchikan, Alaska. Ketchikan Alaska is served year-round by ferry service from 13 ports.

Ketchikan Alaska is served year-round by ferry service from 13 ports.

Barge service from Seattle (vehicles only, no passengers) is also available year-round.

Ketchikan Ferry Info Ketchikan Accommodation