Canadian Ports: Salt Spring Island, BC

The largest and most populated of the Gulf Islands, Salt Spring Island enjoys a temperate climate and seemingly laid back atmosphere.
Many internationally recognized painters and writers make their home on Salt Spring Island and ArtCraft, an exhibition / sale lasting all summer gives evidence of the Islands strong artist community.
The Salt Spring Saturday Market (April - October) in Centennial Park is famous & nothing short of fabulous! Whether your interest is hand crafted jewelry, soaps, pottery, fibre arts or hand made chocolates, the market is the place to spend time on a Saturday.
Accommodations for visitors to Salt Spring includes some of the finest B&Bs, Lodges and Inns found in the northwest.
Be aware however that this is a very popular Island and the demand for lodging is heavy.
If planning a stay on the island it is imperative to book well in advance of arrival.
General Information: Land - Sea - Air
Plane service is available to the island from Vancouver, Victoria & Seattle
Car & scooter rentals are available from several locations
Kayaking, boat rentals